Calvin Morberg

Calvin Morberg was born and raised in the Yukon. He comes from the Dak’lawèidí (eagle clan) of the Inland Tlingit Nation. Calvin pursued carving to capture his native heritage and its rich carving traditions, which was inspired by Tlingit carver Alex Dickson, and studied under renowned Yukon artists in a variety of capacities leading him to work with wood and ivory.

“This work runs through my blood, it's a way of showing who our people are. It makes me proud of where I come from, it gives me strength in carrying on the traditions of my people.” - Calvin Morberg

The Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association (YFNCT) is a non-profit, stakeholder-based organization that is committed to growing and promoting vibrant and sustainable arts/culture and tourism sectors.

Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association
1-1109 Front Street (White Pass Building)
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A-5G4

Phone 867.667.7698

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